Sunday, March 15, 2015

Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2015 Chennai finals

Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2015 Chennai finals

1.      [image] this painting portrays which modern day wedding tradition?

Ans. Gifting diamond ring

2.      In 1854 what was demonstrated for the first time at the New York Crystal Palace, the iron-and-glass exhibition hall at the center of the World’s Fair that changed the construction industry forever?

Ans. Lifts (by Otis)

3.      What did James Montgomery Flagg design which later went on to be called “poster of the century.” It was first depicted in the July 6th, 1916 issue of the Leslie Weekly.

Ans. Uncle Sam

4.      Which company was founded in 1876 to provide a solution to the blisters that lumberjacks were experiencing caused by poor quality woollen socks?

Ans. Jockey

5.      How do we better know “South Asian Audio Visual Network?”

Ans. Saavn

6.      Complete the title of this book with a personality, on whose company this book is based on?

Ans. Murdoch

7.      Connect: Logo of a Tata company, pic of R. Ramanan, CEO and MD 

Ans. Tata CMC

8.      “Trade with Trust” is the tagline of?

Ans. MCX

9.      [image] of ships

Ans. Wadiya’s

10.  Which Tata company began its journey commissioning its first project in February, 1915 at Khopoli, Maharashtra?

Ans. Tata Power

11.  In February 1978 what magazine was launched and became India’s first business magazine that is still in print?

Ans. Business India

12.  An offshore investment fund, typically formed as a private limited partnership, that engages in speculation using credit or borrowed capital?

Ans. Hedge Fund

13.  In 1907, the California Fruit Growers Exchange went to see Albert Lasker at the Lord & Thomas advertising agency as one of the fruit crops they were growing in abundance but nobody was buying it, Lasker branded the Exchange as Sunkit and told Sunkit to popularise what to increase the sale of the fruit?

Ans. Orange

14.  Which company’s IT initiative is this? [image: logo]

Ans. India Cements

15.  Connect: Robert Bosch, Tata Nano and an ad.

Ans. Bosch

16.  Personality that appeared as Air Hostess in Air India ad. [image]

Ans. Parmeshwar Godrej (wife of Adi Godrej)

17.  Who is on the left [image]

Ans. Professor Simply Simple (fictional character by Tata Asset Managment)

18.  A company that was once making a takeover attempt but ends up discussing a merger with the target company is called _____ ______.

Ans. Yellow Knight

19.  What is a Google Tax?

Ans. A levy on company profits which have only online presence in a bid to divert funds deposited in tax heavens

20.  [Rare picture of a famous person]

Ans. Kasturi Rangan Iyengar, founder of Kasturi & Sons

21.  What in India was founded in 2000 as a website, changed itself to a tabloid-format newspapers in 2004 and switched to a magazine in 2007?

Ans. Tehelka

22.  Project Last Mile is an initiative from which MNC?

Ans. Coca Cola

23.  Connect: classmate ad, mint-o, Surya Nepal

Ans. ITC

24.  [image of a personality]

Ans. Gemini Ganesan/ Gemini Studios

Audience questions

1.      Who owns the site
Audience: Ronald Regan, Richard Nixon, Roosevelt, Richard Branson, Rahul Gandhi
Giri: Think cheeky. He is more powerful than all the US presidents put together

Ans. Rajnikanth

2.      Which entity had a clash with HSBC over the rights of using HSBC?
Giri: Think local.

Ans. Hotel Saravana Bhavan Corporation