Today, global terrorism is the greatest security threat faced by humanity.
(REMEMBER the 26/11-its two years now) Many believe that the world is presently going through the third world war. Scriptwriters, producers and directors put their minds to work and come up with unimaginable movies depicting violence; which is then imitated by adolescents, considered as the most vulnerable part of the society. Their impressionable mind is what makes them an easy target. The insensible dialogues, punch lines, body language, jokes of actors, actresses and comedians are very well inflicted on movie buffs.
The lyrics of some hit songs are obscene. The music we hear and the performances we watch can subconsciously influence us. The songs of some movies are stuck in our heads to an irritating degree. The tunes tend to be simple with a repeating melody or motif, which triggers the brain to repeat it on its own. Mesmerised by the high status of celebs? It’s our money, spent on purchase of tickets of movies, which has helped actors and actresses to live a life “King size”.
Mahatma Gandhi was the man who turned humility and simple truth more powerful than empires. Just as our bodies need good food every day, our minds need good thoughts every day. Nurture your mind with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes. So, next time instead of rushing to a cinema hall, wait for the weekend and step into a book store. Look out for all-inspiring autobiographies of some of the best people ever born. Do recommend this to your friends, friends of friends. And who knows? You may become a role model for the future generation.
(Be the change you want to see in the world. –Gandhiji)